(Renard uses and discards her, then fools her about her child being taken by the Royals his cousin then manipulates her into going abroad by making her believe he has her child, only to imprison her, etc.) Enneagram: 6w7 sx/spĪdalind is fully incapable of being self-reliant. She blindly believes whatever she wants to believe (she is very mislead about her child), instead of sensing that others are manipulating or using her for a devious purpose. Unfortunately, while Adalind is very creative in coming up with new ways to make Nick’s life hell, she has little ability to see through others’ schemes and manipulations. Her reasoning can be funny, in an off-color kind of way (having her mom dead isn’t all bad, considering she needs a dead Hexenbiest for her spell). She often takes shortcuts in her thinking, by going back to former tactics, but is not always rational. Adalind is so intent on sharing her feelings that when they dig up her mother, she has a hilarious monologue catching her up on everything that has happened so far (Si) and venting a little on the side. More importantly, everything she does throughout the first season is to please someone else her mother tells her to seduce Renard, to stay on his good side, and she does so she falls in love with him, and goes after the Grimm because he tells her to when he rejects her, she sets out to get revenge upon him, upon Nick for stealing her powers, and upon Juliette also. She makes emotional appeals to get sympathy.
#Grimm adalind hexenbiest how to#
She is aware of exactly how to work Renard’s emotions and appeal to him, and whenever she is upset goes straight for the jugular in emotional terms (“You betrayed me… you stole my baby…”). She has no problem turning on the charm and seducing anyone she needs to, to get whatever it is she wants. Even though she hates her mother, she has a hard time walking away from her, and she becomes intensely maternal over her children. She is so used to relying on her influences as a Hexenbiest that once robbed of those powers, she does everything in her power to get them back, since she cannot imagine living without them. She is known for a handful of specific tricks that she uses over and over again (which includes seducing anyone else she needs to seduce, to obtain her own security that is literally the first thing she thinks of, and her solution to every problem). Each time she encounters a problem, she goes back to the tried and true magical solutions in her spell book. Adalind finds it incredibly difficult to move beyond the past she drudges up ancient history whenever it serves her purpose and uses it as leverage against people (“You slept with my mother!” “Juliette tried to kill me!” “I want my baby!”).